Community Symposium on the Molecular Basis of ME / CFS
Sponsored by OMF
Saturday, August 12, 2017 at Stanford University
Come hear from our amazing team in person!
Join us for a unique and unprecedented opportunity to learn from and interact with these world-class scientists.
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Major Patient Care Improvements Coming In Two Countries
Dream. Believe. Do it. Join Team OMF in HOPE.
The End ME / CFS Worldwide Tour in Europe has been very productive in the first two weeks. The first stop of the tour was in the Isle of Man, where we met the incredible ME / CFS community leaders, Celia Marshall, Phil Gawne and Craig Morris. Our two-day visit included meetings with patients, family members, government officials, and physicians. As a result of the Parliament meeting, the Isle of Man government has already agreed to set up additional ME / CFS services for both adults and children. (Photo: Linda Tannenbaum & Kate Beecroft, Minister of Health and Social Security) Read more.
Our visit in Northern Ireland was organized by the Hope for ME & Fibro group under the dedicated leadership of Joan McParland. Since 2011, Hope for ME & Fibro has been bringing together world experts and researchers for their annual conference, which we were honored to take part in this year. Immediately after our visit, there was an announcement of improvement in medical education: all General Practioners in Northern Ireland “will receive new updated information on ME and fibromyalgia, including biomedical research, confirming the very physical nature of the disease.” (Photo: conference panel & leadership from Hope 4 ME & Fibro.) Read more.
These visits underscore the importance of not only seeking a cure for patients worldwide but also of raising awareness in the general public, the media, government and healthcare professionals.
ME / CFS is truly an international problem. So many patients have their lives on hold. We must continue to fast-track our efforts to find a cure. It is also crucial to improve the education of physicians and advocate for better support services for patients.
End ME / CFS Worldwide Tour Blog Shares Stories of Courage and Strength
We invite you to follow the European Tour. With almost daily posts, Linda Tannenbaum, CEO/President, is sharing poignant moments and individual stories of courage and strength, all while building a world-wide network of patients, parents and caregivers. Please follow the Tour on Facebook, Twitter, and our website.
Support Research
Please donate today to help fund the upcoming Collaborator Meeting and Community Symposium at Stanford.
Your donation will support OMF’s sponsorship of this important research meeting. On August 10 and 11, we are bringing together an outstanding team of scientists from all over the world, with whom Dr. Davis has already been collaborating on ME / CFS research. Assembling this diverse expertise in one room will be the ideal opportunity for this team to interpret their collective research results and to set a strategic and collaborative path forward. OMF is underwriting the cost of the two-day scientific meeting and is supporting the Community Symposium on August 12, where you as a patient can meet our scientists in person and be updated firsthand on the latest progress in research and future plans.
Dr. Davis and Linda Tannenbaum, both parents of sick children, are committed to finding answers and a cure. They are driven to help their children and millions of patients around the world. They know the best way to achieve our goal is by working together in a collaborative and open environment.
Donate today to make their vision a reality for all patients around the world.
Open Medicine Foundation
Tax ID: 26-4712664
Our Purpose:
- To fast-track revolutionary research for ME / CFS and related chronic complex diseases.
- To support collaborative scientific research to discover molecular causes, find effective treatments, diagnostic markers, prevention approaches and cures.
- To communicate, engage and inform the patient community.
- To help drive & support global collaboration.
A Word from our CEO/President:
OMF’s approach to finding answers is broad-based. We recognize that building global collaboration with the patient and scientific community will help to fast-track answers. With that in mind, we launched the End ME / CFS Worldwide Tour. In addition, we are honored that researchers from around the world are traveling to join Ron Davis and team for the upcoming Collaborative Team Meeting and Community Symposium on the Molecular Basis of ME / CFS. These are two examples of how we are working with you to find answers.
We need your help to go further. I invite you to please support our efforts and donate to help OMF find a cure for patients around the world. Together we are stronger!
Thank you being our partner in finding answers.

Linda Tannenbaum, CEO/President
Open Medicine Foundation
Fast-tracking revolutionary research for ME / CFS
and related chronic complex diseases.
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